7 Tips to Take Care of Your Heart Against Diseases

February 14, 2016

Photo Courtesy of marcisim via Pixabay


Hearts are fluttering all over the world today because it’s Valentine’s Day. Everyone’s swooning with delight and people’s heads are spinning with love, but for patients with coronary artery disease, heart block and other cardiovascular diseases, great health is desired as much as a heart that is filled with love.


So how does one take care of his or her cardiovascular health? Here are tips on how you can show some tender loving care to the cardiac muscle that tirelessly pumps blood all throughout your body — your heart.


1. Have Regular Check-Ups


For you to know whether your heart is still in good condition, have yourself checked at least once a year or every 6 months. It is also crucial to keep track of your blood pressure as well as your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Seek your physician’s advice as to what medications you would need in maintaining a healthy heart and in preventing cardio-related diseases.


2. Drink Plenty of Water


Staying hydrated is the key to a healthier life. Drinking the standard 8-10 glasses of water a day helps your heart to function better. Water also flushes out the toxins that are not needed by your body so you feel lighter and more rejuvenated. A water bottle that you carry around with you could also double as weights that will help you in strengthening your arms.


Photo Courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay


3. Eat Healthy for Your Heart


Planning a healthy and balanced diet is crucial in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. Foods that are high in saturated fat or trans-fat can make your cholesterol levels spike. When bad cholesterol builds up in your arteries, it can cause blood clots, heart attacks or worse, a sudden death.


A diet that’s composed mainly of fruits and dark green vegetables is the ideal. Meat and fish should be steamed instead of deep-fried and choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Iron-rich foods such as beans, lean poultry, and cereals are good for your blood. Steer clear of food with plenty of fat to avoid having plaque buildup and other serious heart problems.


4. Be More Active


Staying physically active can do wonders for your cardiovascular health. Allot at least 30 minutes of simple cardio exercises per day such as stair-climbing, brisk walking, jogging, jumping jacks, and long jumps. If you have a medical condition, consult with your doctor for the ideal exercise for you.


Working out helps you get rid of excess weight and prevent obesity while helping your heart stay in shape. It would be great to exercise with a buddy — you will feel more motivated plus it gives you time for some bonding, too!


5. Let Go of Your Vices


Too much alcohol and cigarette smoking can cause irreversible damages to your health, especially to your heart. Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks can increase your chances of having coronary artery disease. On the other hand, the nicotine in tobacco products dilates the lining of blood vessels and impedes blood flow. Cigarette smoking causes not only heart ailments, but a lot of cancers as well.


Photo Courtesy of suc via Pixabay


6. Avoid Getting Too Stressed Out


Though it can’t be avoided that you get stressed out because of work, personal life or anything else, train yourself to calm down in every situation because it literally wouldn’t be good for your heart. Stress causes your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise, which makes you more prone to heart attacks and other heart-related diseases.


Practice deep breathing whenever you get stressed out. This will calm you down instantly and reduce the stress you’re feeling. Think happy and positive thoughts — your heart will thank you for it.


7. Keep Yourself Abreast with Information on Heart Diseases


Being familiar with various cardiovascular disorders and corresponding treatments can benefit you in the long run even if you’re not a patient yourself. Have basic knowledge about procedures such as angiograms, stent insertion and heart bypass surgeries so you have at least an idea of how each of these works. This way, you will know what warning signs you need to watch out for.


Your heart is responsible for the distribution and replenishment of your blood 24 hours, 7 days a week. Without it, your body won’t be supplied with the nutrients it needs. It’s doing a tough job of keeping you alive along with your other organs — the least you could do is take care of it. A stronger heart will definitely go a long way. With a healthy cardiovascular system, you get to live a longer and happier life — and definitely more Valentine’s Days with your loved ones.